16S/18S/ITS Sequencing
16S/18S/ITS sequencing is a molecular biology technique used to analyze and identify microbial communities present in a sample. It targets specific regions of the bacterial (16S), eukaryotic (18S), or fungal (ITS) ribosomal RNA genes, which are highly conserved across species but contain variable regions that can be used for species identification. Sequence comparison of 16S/18S/ITS regions is widely used in taxonomy and molecular phylogenetics.

Features and Advantages
Guaranteed data quality at unbeatable pricing enabled by proprietary technology
Rapid turnaround times and expert support
Sequencing Standards
Up to ≥ 80% of bases with a ≥ Q30 quality score, depending on the chosen sequencing strategy
Recommended sequencing coverage is dependent on the complexity of the sample
Sampling Requirements
Genomic DNA
Mass: > 0 ng(recommend ≥ 50 ng)
Concentration: > 0 ng/μL
Service Details
Typical 35 working days from sample QC acceptance to cleaned raw data availability
Expedited services are available, contact us for more detail
Reports and output data files are delivered in industry standard file formats: BAM, .xls, .png and FASTQ data
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