Metagenomic Sequencing
Metagenomic Sequencing not only provides information on species composition and abundance, but also on functional genes, gene differences between samples, metabolic pathways and provides a rich data resource for mining for bioactive products such as novel enzymes and other biocatalysts.

Features and Advantages
Guaranteed data quality at unbeatable pricing enabled by proprietary technology
Rapid turnaround times and expert support
Sequencing Standards
PE100 or PE150
Guaranteed 80% of bases with quality score of Q30
Sequencing data depend on sample types.Please contact Innomics for recommendation
Sampling Requirements
Regular Samples:
Intact genomic DNA ≥ 200 ng (Recommend ≥ 400 ng)
Concentration ≥ 8 ng/μL
Volume ≥ 15 μL
Low Input Samples:
Intact genomic DNA ≥ 50 ng
Concentration ≥ 2.5 ng/μL
Volume ≥ 15μL
Service Details
Typical 18 working days from sample QC acceptance to filtered raw data availability
Expedited services are available, contact your local Innomics specialist for details
Reports and output data files are delivered in industry standard file formats: BAM, .xls, .png and FASTQ data
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If you want more information?
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