
Plant & Animal Pan-Genome Sequencing

A single reference genome is not always sufficient to understand the genetic basis of different traits. A single reference genome may not detect most of the presence/absence variants (PAV) and structure variants (SV). In this case, the value of constructing a Pan-genome is important.
Home/Sequencing Services
/Plant & Animal Pan-Genome Sequencing
Features and Advantages
Analysis of complex structural variation
Highly experienced in combining ONT, PacBio, Hi-C and NGS data
The in-depth study on domesticated-associated genes and improvement-associated genes
Combining with resequencing for digital breeding
Sequencing Strategies
  • DNBSEQ-based genome survey recommended Sequencing Depth: 100X


  • PacBio HiFi genome assembly recommended Sequencing Depth: 40-60X


  • Hi-C auxiliary assembly recommended Sequencing Depth: 100X


  • T2T assembly Ultra-long recommended Sequencing Depth: 40-100X
Sampling Requirements

Please consult case by case

Service Details

Special research solution services, plaese contact your local representative for details

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